Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Renewed in Knowledge After the Image of Jesus Christ?

Are you in the image of Jesus Christ, or are you in the image of a false god - an idol? You might say "I'm a Christian, not an idolator". A lot of people believe and claim that, but that does not make it so for the Bible tells us that the "devils believe and tremble" but they are not Christians. It does take something more, doesn't it?

Remember an image (or idol) is a resemblance of some god, or someone - and yes, people do worship people. Essentially all religions started with the worship of a person or an individual's beliefs or philosophies. The physical idol did not just create itself. It took a real person to think of how it would look, and then to fabricate the image. The same is true of religious doctrines or teachings. They needed to first become understood and believed within the mind of some person before they were ever spoken or written down.

So the questions we need answered are:
  1. What was the source of inspiration that caused the person(s) to write or speak about what I believe today?

  2. How can I today discern and know that what I believe in has come from a true inspiration?
The answer to both of these very important questions lies with the very "source" of inspiration and life - for you. Does your inspiration for all your living and doing come from the true God? Because if it does not, that means it is a false, dead (no real spiritual life) religion. No real God, then there is no real life: and we are found believing and worshiping a dead thing. Essentially nothing more than a dead idol, although there may not be any physical image, and we may even believe that our beliefs are not founded in religion.

What is your underlying inspiration or motivation for what you call "life"? It is critically important that you clearly understand and know! Where you will be in eternity is dependent upon if you get this right in your lifetime!

The true God: the faithful, loving and merciful heavenly Father has provided a clear and faithful way for everyone to be able to know. He has provided a living resemblance of himself and the true words he has spoken. That perfect resemblance we can compare to is his own Son, Jesus Christ whom he sent to earth to live, and to die, for us!

How do we compare to Jesus? Are we walking worthy of the Lord by obeying his word and following his spiritual living example - walking in the footsteps of him "who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth"? (1 Peter 2:20 - 25)

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