Sunday, January 27, 2008

Where is the Treasure of Your Heart?

"For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." (Matthew 6:21)

If you had a map to an extremely valuable treasure (like a vein of gold inside an old abandoned mine) you would be spending much time studying and researching the areas and environment of that map. You'd research it on the Internet. You'd call it up in Google Maps, or Google Earth (or Micorsoft Live Earth). You'd study and determine what it would take to get to the spot, and what it would take to dig or prospect for it once you got there. Then you'd research the tools and learn and practice with the tools needed to get the job done. In addition, you would study to understand what to do once you had the treasure: how you would transport it, keep it, sell it, and how you would invest it, etc.

OK - here's the map to the greatest treasure any person has ever been offered: the map, the Word of God.

What are we doing with it? Some 500 years ago people were willing to die just to get their own copy of this map, and to be able to read and understand it. How hard is it for you to get a copy of the Bible today. How much time do you spend researching and understanding it. Even non-academic types of people can get in earnest about research and study if there is the potential of great treasure in it.

Do you claim to be a Christian? If so, where is the treasure of your heart? People may not say anything about it, but they will know where your treasure really is by how in earnest you are about understanding and following the map, the Word of God.

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